Just Follow the Starter Car
Everything is doable. And by that, I mean every self project that gets given up because there wasn't enough time, every skill that is never learned because there wasn't a good environment, every fanciful wish that isn't fulfilled because it seems too hard to do, was entirely possible. I'm not talking about making bread out of sand, I'm talking about the kind of thing that goes on everyday, everywhere, to everyone. Simple things that don't happen.
This is where I document tackling that problem. Most people are far more inherently talented at doing what they want to than they seem to think, and for the longest time I felt the same way. I'll talk more on what changed the way I think at a later date, but for now, I'll just choose a project and start on it, and make a progress post each day, because it's not the mile markers that people give up on, or the goal. It's the apparently ordinary days in between and the moments where you wonder if it will really matter all that much if you just skip practicing this one day, or do the next step a few days later. That's when we quit.
So really this is just me accomplishing things and telling you how I did it.